Fatherhood in a sentence as a noun

School + fatherhood makes for little reading time.

None of these experiences compare to fatherhood in any way that I could even being to relate them.

I'd just like to add that this is a bit less true in some European countries, specifically with regards to fatherhood.

If a man with sufficient resources decides that he does not want his work to be impacted by fatherhood, it won't be.

Most of those careers are compatible with motherhood as much as they are compatible with fatherhood.

In particular we need to review how we and portray fatherhood in our entertainment and culture.

Upon them should harrow a fatherhood\n Of parent, Fred besieged by the burden\n And his daughter the indifferent imposition of child\n\nSounds great!

"The female has also an opportunity to filter out those who will be permitted fatherhood, for example by having an orgasm.

Given a person "fred" exists\n And a person "ethel" exists\n And a fatherhood exists with parent: person "fred", child: person "ethel"\n\nDid someone mention cucumber steps are written in english?

Here's a tangent from yesterday's HN frontpage article about fasting and programming...I still don't think that the rigors of fatherhood, on average, are as demanding as that of motherhood, for a very simple fact: women are effectively supporting, through their lifeblood, another lifeform within them for 7-9 months before they're thrust into parenthood.

Fatherhood definitions


the kinship relation between an offspring and the father

See also: paternity


God when considered as the first person in the Trinity; "hear our prayers, Heavenly Father"

See also: Father Father-God Fatherhood


the status of a religious leader


the status of a father