Yurt in a sentence as a noun

This is a bit distinct from deciding to build a "yurt.

I have enough empty 155 lb coffee sacks to make a yurt.

For shelter, he built a yurt out of soap wrappers and self-esteem.

Seems like the tiny house movement has largely overlooked yurts.

I'd love to buy a lot in my city and put a yurt on it, but the city / voters won't let me live in a yurt.

Airbnb clearly has product aspirations beyond home/room/yurt rentals.

It's one of those fleeting thoughts of escapism I often have that is about buying some land and putting a yurt on it.

I think the intended suggestion is: If you are going to build a dwelling, a yurt is one of the most cost-effective structures you could construct.

You can buy a complete yurt with installation for less than people spend attempting to build a typical tiny house themselves, and you end up with more space.

"If you are considering a canvas dome, teepee, or yurt you should consider building a frameless dome"For bathroom activities, I would suggest some kind of humanure solution.

Which is the day I probably decide that we have failed as a species and go and live in a yurt somewhere in the woods with no electricity and live mostly on slightly burnt squirrel while designing a programming language based on the art of rearranging different piles of mud.

Yurt definitions


a circular domed dwelling that is portable and self-supporting; originally used by nomadic Mongol and Turkic people of central Asia but now used as inexpensive alternative or temporary housing