Xylophone in a sentence as a noun

It looks a bit like a xylophone, and sounds very pretty.

So you could get her a xylophone or some toddler percussion stuff.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool technology but there's quite a delay between the tap and the xylophone playing.

To further your argument RE:[2], I would like to point out that comic book guy was not the one who made the magic xylophone comment.

Or re-work your business model and SEO and compete again for that long tail xylophone playing monkies.

So they began to cuss, amiable, and throw down dollars on the bar till it sounded like a selection on the xylophone.

When Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones.

So I click on the video... and start hearing the xylophone... and say "uh oh".Folks, I have good feelings about good tools, but I don't get them from watching videos of people talking about how they get good feelings from their tools.

If one instead programs many QMK layers, the fingerings spread out and are much easier: One finger from each hand near home row is much easier than emacs control-xylophone for anything, again I feel tangled up in my sheets.

"Your analogy is like doing meth in a bathtub with a small chimpanzee playing a xylophone to the tune of, "Pachelbel's Canon" while shoving a sharpened pencil into my urethra to wash away the pain of dealing with ridiculous comments on Hacker News.

Xylophone definitions


a percussion instrument with wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators; played with small mallets

See also: marimba