Wounded in a sentence as a noun

In the process, he stepped on a mine and was severely wounded, losing his leg.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a wounded warrior by now..

A dedicated medical corps looked after the wounded.

A critically wounded person has two treatment options: the best is this procedure followed by repairs.

They're like a wounded elephant in a porcelain store: Unable to clearly see what damage they're causing to the surrounding world.

Wounded in a sentence as an adjective

Back then many local fishermen were seriously wounded by accidentally pulling mustard gas bombs up in their nets.

Do you target those people, the walking wounded much like Slashdot?Or do you go after the youths, the ones addicted to Instagrams, 9gag, imgur, but bored of their Facebook feeds?

So now this is part of the story: Internet folk have teeth, there are consequences for supporting bad law. The best part is that GoDaddy doesn't even have to be wounded in any real sense the story is enough to change the tone of the conversation.

I find it ironic that the article claiming that "Facebook is maimed" and "Twitter mortally wounded" is on a site that has "Like" and "Tweet" buttons, but no Google+ interaction at all.

\n * Political campaigns severally wounded by software failures.

Wounded definitions


people who are wounded; "they had to leave the wounded where they fell"

See also: maimed


suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle; "nursing his wounded arm"; "ambulances...for the hurt men and women"

See also: hurt