Workshop in a sentence as a noun

Men are welcome at our events, and we have had a few men attend each workshop.

Every workshop, one guy out of 12 would have had a not-great time on the first night.

He did a workshop that basically taught us how to submit apps to the windows store.

It'll be my third time presenting an Intro to Julia workshop.

From this article:"I saw a photo on main stage of a little girl who had been in the Young Coders workshop.

[within reason] Every workshop on the planet has a hammer in it.

After the workshop we tell the people that you now have all the tools and contacts you need for programming or creating something.

They turned it into a library, a community garden, a clothing workshop, and a bike kitchen.

An adult might come in and participate in a DIY electronics workshop: "How to replace an electrical outlet" or "How to work on a circuit board.

I did also start video taping my lectures, as I figured it could be a resource for people who didn't make it to the workshops, and that also took me a long time - about an hour to record and edit a 10 minute video.

Instead we focused on creating easy, one-day workshop to get you to try and see what programming and technology is about, while also building your first sample application and getting meet the local tech scene.

Here in post-collapse Argentina, I semi-regularly attend a free bike repair workshop run by a bunch of anarchists who occupied a pizzeria abandoned in the collapse, twelve years ago.

One imagines an elf in Santa's workshop, quite appropriate since the benevolent employer is a myth but the unwavering sweatshop labor in the service of fulfilling the bourgeoises' consumerist desires is very real.

If poring over fan-made wikis, taking notes of all your findings, winning tiny victories like successfully getting your first workshop running, and losing in spectacular fashion only to retell your loss to friends doesn't sound fun, maybe stick to Skyrim.

Seems like lot of comments have concerns with the programming part, so here is my view why indirect approaches can be also important:When we started Rails Girls with Linda, we saw that there were plenty of programming workshops, books and education available.

Workshop definitions


small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done

See also: shop


a brief intensive course for a small group; emphasizes problem solving