Workbench in a sentence as a noun

For a while I thought what I should have done was sneak over to the workbench, cut a shim from the beer can, remove the printing and then come back and tell him we were in luck, it was the last one I had, specially imported from Germany. That would have done it.

You might get a backyard garden, or a workbench, a guest room, an office, a full kitchen, etc... and, you can drill all the holes you want, paint it your favorite color, and so on.

All of your tools would be in a "toolbox" that you could customize on the fly, much like you'd deal with a toolbox on a workbench. You don't go into your kitchen and turn on every appliance in the room when you just want a piece of toast - why should your computer act that way?

Otherwise you will end up like me, spending my free time watching youtube tutorial after youtube tutorial and not touching my workbench.

I can hack together a decent, reasonably strong wooden workbench for my shop, but it doesn't possess the same craftsmanship as a dedicated wood worker. It does the job, but it is ugly and uninspiring, and nobody admires it.

Most larger applications let you choose between working in a window on the workbench screen, "fullscreen" on a private screen, or in a window on a public screen. Screens can be "pulled down" to reveal the screen behind, if you for example want to have a quick look without losing your train of thought.

Temporary deployment of a workbench in orbit for experiments, repairs, and other assembly. - Lost.

It's also not mechanically checking if there's a floppy disk in the drive at the kickstarter screen after the workbench has shut down, which the Amiga needs to do to detect if there is a floppy disk in the drive. The checking mechanism manifested itself as a slight "clicking" sound.

I suspect that with some additional tools IPython notebook will become the integrators workbench par excellence, useful in many contexts.

Directory structure: Minecraft-API |- src |- main |- java |- net |- minecraft |- workbench Good old Java. On my machine that means it would end up being: /home/ajf/Projects/2012/Minecraft/Minecraft-API/src/main/java/net/minecraft/workbench/ Who on earth thought deeply nested directories for packages was a good idea?

They had boxes of software, walls of hardware manuals, stacks of monitors, cabinets of capacitors and resistors, rows of soldering irons, and at least one fully-equipped workbench. Up until the past decade or so if you wanted to be a serious computer enthusiast you needed an empty garage; now you just need space on your desk for a Macbook Pro.

Quote Examples using Workbench

I have a full workbench for example as i like to fix stuff on m own. not just computers, mind you. i also like creating physical stuff - i think most ppl on HN revolve around creating non-physical stuff most of the time. i also cook my own food more often than not. both are more economical _and_ i enjoy it. \nive a 800sqft 1 bedroom in sf so its not that small either. workbench isnt in a garage so its pretty compact yet is a real, full featured bench.


Workbench definitions


a strong worktable for a carpenter or mechanic

See also: bench