Womanizer in a sentence as a noun

In short, he was a womanizer who does not deserve our praise.

A lot of fans know what kind of womanizer he was, I mean the guy had like 3-4 mistresses at a time.

No. He was a drunken womanizer who spent other people's money.

You threw in Einstein being a womanizer in a discussion about people worthy of Nobel Prizes.

Her reaction is one of diffidence, reluctance hes really quite a womanizer.

Why did the Democrats continue to protect him despite the fact that he's a womanizer and a liar?

To be fair, he was accused of being a terrible womanizer by the same FBI who was trying to destroy and discredit him.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows a long-term womanizer who can't manage to settle down, even though he now claims to want to.

If I opt to do so, I become an adulterer, philanderer, womanizer, etc.

As a notorious womanizer, this app enrages me. I will have no choice now but to become a caring, sensitive, one-woman man.

It's a reference to the fact that Sinclair was a notorious womanizer, and his exploits often ended up in the press of the time.

MLK, Jr. was a terrible womanizer but nobody brings that up because it, rightly so, shouldn't ***** his civil rights legacy.

He became somewhat of a unfaithful husband and womanizer of his own young female students at Princeton.

I don't want a womanizer to be President, even if it was socially acceptable to do a bunch of coke and **** your EA or teenagers at the time.

It seems almost entirely fixed on describing Engels as a rich womanizer who secretly adored Christianity.

Just a minor quibble, not meant to detract your point: it's curious that even as you criticize America's sense of morality, you seem to use "gentlemen" as opposed to "womanizer".

> Wittgenstein was a terrible person who hit children, hard, on the head:That old bugbear - horrible as he might have been in person, his philosophy is distinct from this side of him. We might as well insinuate that Feynmann's work is worthless because he was a womanizer.> Not having any philosophical problems one is interested in or finds fruitful is completely understandableHow is reasoning about the problems of philosophy itself not an interesting philosophical problem?

Womanizer definitions


a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them

See also: womaniser philanderer