Wizardry in a sentence as a noun

But all the look and feel wizardry and attention to detail was still in his future.

This is effectively saying "Here's some code and some ****, please do your wizardry and make me something that looks like this.

If anything, Intel's process wizardry should give them an advantage there, once they decide to push it.

No amount of VR wizardry will ever replace massive arrays of 12" woofers driven by vacuum tubes.

For all the praise Obamas team won in 2008 for its high-tech wizardry, its success masked a huge weakness: too many databases.

I hate to be "that dick" so let me first say that this is damn impressive stuff; kudos to the authors for some serious CSS wizardry!It's also completely and totally useless.

Vehicles are a ubiquitous part of American culture and Car Talk shed light on an otherwise opaque world of mechanical wizardry.

In many cases the funding and justification are not there to improve the process, in no small part because of a traditional culture which tends to programming as effete play or impossible wizardry or both.

The reason, as far as I can tell, is that in deep/wizardry, we are being very liberal about our modifications to the on-disk data structures without actually considering whether or not any other owner of that structure is pending changes to commit.

No matter what happens I feel like vim + bash will bring me an immediate level of productivity in any new task I face, even if I start flattening out before I reach the Eclipse or Visual Studio level of wizardry, I don't expect any one thing to last long enough in this industry for such optimizations to pay off.

Wizardry definitions


exceptional creative ability

See also: genius