Witch in a sentence as a noun

But don't treat this like it's a witch hunt for long past grievances.

Trying to watch over their shoulder isn't 'Good citizenship', it's crazy and a witch hunt.

The witch hunt tweets that were coming out of him without getting the facts straight are downright disheartening.

"an act of terrorism" == "an act of the *****"The war on terrorism is our witch-hunt.

One of the consequences of a public transaction chain is the great potential for witch hunts.

Everybody was suspect until they were 'cleared' - the very definition of a witch hunt.

It's a witch hunt without any witches, but with lots of government dollars, security contractors, and union jobs.

I can already see how a case will be put together next week using the reddit witch hunt threads as a reason why the internet needs censorship.

Witch in a sentence as a verb

Not a witch hunt for every person who had something to do with Aaron's prosecution for crimes he knowingly committed.

The social fallout from uttering these unpopular ideas will earn you only contempt, unless you want to be on the wrong end of a twitter witch hunt.

The witch hunt angle has been bothering me a lot, and should be ample evidence that the people of Hacker News are no better than the reactionaries of Reddit or even 4chan.

Or on hearing of a denunciation of witchcraft against her, she might seek flight or remain; if she ran, that proved her guilt; if she remained, the ***** had detained her so she could not get away.

After the woman was put in prison: if she was afraid, this proved her guilt; if she was not afraid, this proved her guilt, for witches characteristically pretend innocence and wear a bold front.

" This could have been an opportunity to attempt bring someone, a powerful CEO, to the side of being informed and support gay rights but instead it was a witch hunt and an embarrassment.

" I had enough standing among this larger circle to help slow down the rumors and witch-hunting until things got sorted out, which happened quickly after Friend of GirlFriend admitted it was just a lousy story.

It is debatable whether the Github/Rails Core Team was too lax, but I for one am tired of hearing developers whine and make a witch trial out of groups of developers that have moved the development community forward several huge steps just to make themselves sound smart or feel fulfilled.

Witch definitions


a female sorcerer or magician

See also: enchantress


a being (usually female) imagined to have special powers derived from the devil


a believer in Wicca

See also: Wiccan


an ugly evil-looking old woman

See also: beldam beldame crone


cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something

See also: bewitch glamour enchant jinx