Whispering in a sentence as a noun

It can the sound of whispering, or box flaps rubbing on each other.

You get to cut ties with the voice constantly whispering "I may not be good enough.

G+ is like the evil vizier whispering in the senile monarch's ear.

Can he just walk with the WakeMate IP?Also, why does he seem to be whispering in the video?

It's as if a dozen poltergeists are whispering in your ear, and you have to pick out the one that matters.

Now I try to be the little Internet fairy whispering to young devs "There are better options!

This is just paypal doing what it's always been known to do -- Assault the merchant while whispering in his ear "this is for your own good.

Won't be whispering nervously into their clamshells over a new threat to their business.

Whispering in a sentence as an adjective

If you're not careful it will sing you whatever song you desire, whispering "yes, yes, more like that" in your ear as you dance down to ****.

Once that is accomplished -- or once we pass the age of reproduction -- the alien goddess of biology stops whispering that terror into our hindbrains.

In past Forth threads I've complained the the Forth model for a computer seems just too at odds with how modern CPUs actually work for me to want to learn it. Well, I look at this thing and its like the soft draft of the future slipping underneath the door, whispering that maybe I should learn Forth after all.

Lots of whispering, rumors, and altogether reprehensible behavior for such a stupid thing.

Check with a lawyer about the security of your own stake and make sure you are good with the business guy, because the CTO has probably been whispering poison in his ear about you.

Strong disagree that worldwide publication of a revealing photograph is comparable to a whispering campaign.

A bunch of people remember the loud people yelling "Oh Java is really slow and sluggish" while whispering "as long as you compare it to C++ with arbitrary optimization time, in a good use case".

Whispering definitions


a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind

See also: rustle rustling whisper


speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords

See also: whisper susurration voicelessness


making a low continuous indistinct sound; "like murmuring waves"; "susurrant voices"

See also: murmuring susurrant