Well-situated in a sentence as an adjective

There just isn't much of a role in it for any but the most well-situated people.

So they're well-situated to be a subscription showroom service for their members, with or without fulfilling many orders on the spot.

Partly this is due to households who are financially well-situated having options for smoothing out transient cashflow issues which are superior to keeping large amounts of cash in non-productive accounts.

Given a choice between a traditional business and a co-op that is otherwise equally well-situated, if I'm a profit maximizer I'm going to loan capital to the traditional business, since it's more of a known quantity.

I think it makes a pretty big difference; while it requires some ego, it doesn't require nearly as much as the "best choice" presentation makes it seem if you have a justifiably narrow view of the objective indicia of potential electability ; seeing yourself as the best qualified of maybe a few dozen people well-situated to compete for the Presidency given the realities of the way such campaigns run -- a condition which is mostly do to selection for traits which, while they may be related to running for President, are arguably only loosely correlated with effectively performing as President -- takes a lot less ego than seeing yourself as the best qualified person for the most powerful position on the planet from either the pool of legally qualified options or, even moreso, the pool of everyone on the planet ignoring legal qualifications.

Well-situated definitions


in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich; "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards"; "easy living"; "a prosperous family"; "his family is well-situated financially"; "well-to-do members of the community"

See also: comfortable easy prosperous well-fixed well-heeled well-off well-to-do