Well-kept in a sentence as an adjective

Most browsers today are modern and well-kept, even IE10.

Clearly, only a true Microsoft employee would know such a well-kept secret.

It's not like Greece's problem with tax collection was a well-kept secret, it's just that nobody wanted to face the facts.

San Francisco is a beautiful city that for some reason is not incredibly well-kept.

I never cared if someone kept their shoes on in the junky apartments I lived in during college, but if it were my parent's well-kept house for example, I'd consider it rude to keep them on.

If you visit Ferguson, you'll see the business-district smashed up but the residential areas nice, calm, well-kept - with families literally everywhere walking around.

Well-kept definitions


kept in good condition

See also: maintained


of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder; "even the barn was shipshape"; "a trim little sailboat"

See also: shipshape trim