Well-educated in a sentence as an adjective

Just because someone is rich, well-educated, and doing what everybody else in their industry is doing, doesn't mean they should get a pass.

And if the general public were well-educated enough to tell the difference, there wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem to begin with.

We are a minority; a handful of well-educated people who can think for themselves and who can fully grasp the intrusiveness of such surveillance.

That is drawing an ever greater share of the time and talents of the well-educated workforce into the world's largest game of Dungeons & Dragons against each other, and not making anything that anyone wants.

"You can certainly become a passable programmer in 3 years starting from being well-educated, intelligent, and reasonably skilled at knowledge work in the information economy.

Well-educated definitions


highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience"

See also: knowing knowledgeable learned lettered well-read