10 example sentences using well-adjusted.
Well-adjusted used in a sentence
Well-adjusted in a sentence as an adjective
This is not how well-adjusted adults disagree when having a discussion.
The actual Magic guy did a AMA on Reddit is is a much more pleasant and well-adjusted fellow than Mr Case. It is just one poorly written line in a poorly written article.
Not all of them are intelligent, well-adjusted people. For example, you casually mention here how you must be black listed because you have seen career problems since.
It's in this period where I think it became first apparent just how socially well-adjusted I wasn't. I think it's fair to say I didn't particularly know how to relate to others.
Plenty of normal, sane, well-adjusted people take advantage of them. There are avenues forward from them to either standard middle class career paths at home or continued success abroad, for a variety of values of "success."
Is a happy, mentally-healthy, well-adjusted human being? Hmmm?
It's quite possible; I certainly wouldn't call myself well-adjusted. And certainly, that can be more important than money; but I'm pretty much the only one here that wouldn't be in trouble if our parental safety net went away, and that's kindof a big thing, I think.
Having just "got my **** together" at 30, I can compare our lives and remark on the great value -- not just emotional, but also economic -- of having well-adjusted, supportive parents. They've helped you, instead of trying to guilt you into supporting them and their poor life decisions.
And while the more well-adjusted of us hide it pretty well, it seems like there's always this desire to prove ourselves, which seems to come out in the form of occasionally odd behavior and attempts to push the envelope. My friend is always asking me why she's crazy - she's not really crazy, she just tends to make decisions that have an odd form of internal logic that makes sense to her but are probably not what other people would've done.
I was left to roam the internet freely starting around age 10, saw my fair share of liveleak-style material, lost some sleep over it and grew up into what I like to believe to be a fairly well-adjusted adult who can only shake his head at the sort of things people in his generation experience irrationality-inducing terror over.
Well-adjusted definitions
free from psychological disorder; "a well-adjusted personality"
See also: well-balanced