Weathervane in a sentence as a noun

You need somebody who's a compass needle, not a weathervane.

We should all carry a weathervane with us and make sure that we're not in the received end of the airflow.

With the tail/tab in neutral position, it'll always weathervane to follow the wind.

With the tail tab deflected somewhat, it'll weathervane with some amount of angle of attack.

As you've noted the 'top 10' isn't a good weathervane on what's actually making up the bulk of sales, top 10 is the statistical mode, not the average.

Hovering is definitely harder than forward motion, because among other things the tail boom acts as a weathervane during forward motion.

Acrobat : namely to find the balance between having an unshakable faith in you, towards the product, and at the same time be ready to take slaps in stride, be ready to change tack without the weathervane.

Youtube, to me, seems like something of a weathervane for the state of the web, and this step towards a truly commercial service represents the internet as a whole's move from community to corporate.

HN is legendarily an inward-focused bunch of SV startup-wannabe brogrammers, but it's also a pretty reliable weathervane for where hot technology is heading in the next year or two. And what companies have lost it in the eyes of the very smartest technologists.

> but it's also a pretty reliable weathervane for where hot technology is heading in the next year or twoI have seen very little actual evidence of this, unless we're talking tautological, "all the predictions that came true came true, just ignore the rest", weathervanes.

Weathervane definitions


mechanical device attached to an elevated structure; rotates freely to show the direction of the wind

See also: vane