Watery in a sentence as an adjective

" No, it makes me want to hit my head on the desk until my eyes get too watery to read the text anymore.

My screen brightness has broken it's so bright why are my eyes so watery, obviously it's the screen.

It definitely needs a big watery-eyed photo of him across the top or something.

Little plastic planetoids floating through the watery abyss.

In no way are whiskey cocktails particularly likely to be icey or watery vs cocktails made from other spirits.

In other words, the julep is meant to be a little "watery," and in fact has enough water to open up the bourbon so you can more fully taste it.

The reason for this is that UC has a storied, dignified seal, and replacing it with a watery mod-looking thing like this new logo would be a real mistake.

But I'd be happy with round, red, commercial tomatoes from less high-yield, more flavorful varieties that produce slower-growing, less-watery tomatoes, like what's grown by the better farms in Greece or Italy.

I don't agree that he should be in jail, but the "restricted patterns of 1s and 0s" bit is like saying that murdering someone with a gun is just facilitating the journey of a piece of refined earth that just happens to go through some watery carbon mass.

I think rather that the biosphere is incredibly resilient, independent, and that nothing we or anything else does to it short of moving it further from or closer to the sun, stripping its atmosphere, or burning off its water will change its essential nature as a warm, watery rock supporting an incredible diversity of life.

Watery definitions


filled with water; "watery soil"


wet with secreted or exuded moisture such as sweat or tears; "wiped his reeking neck"

See also: reeking


relating to or resembling or consisting of water; "a watery substance"; "a watery color"


overly diluted; thin and insipid; "washy coffee"; "watery milk"; "weak tea"

See also: washy weak