Watered in a sentence as an adjective

Friendships are like pets; they need to be fed, walked, and watered.

The block, patch, field, whatever gets watered all together.

"Troll" has been watered down by some people to the point where it is used on everyone who disagrees with them.

Full stack developers have definitely been watered down over the years.

It's like buying a sports car and putting shitty watered down gas in it and complaining about how the car doesn't perform like it should.

The departure from AS2 to AS3 is like learning a whole new language, like stepping up from JavaScript to a watered down version of Java. I think that everyone's resistance was not based on how much better 3 was than 2, but really because we just didn't want to change.

Then, after maybe 20 years, the US will implement a shittier, watered down version that accomplishes 1/10 of the original idea but with staggering overhead.

The suburban lifestyle, with lots of driving, was designed for the rich and handed down, over a couple of decades, to the working classes in a watered-down form.

Multitasking on iOS is a watered-down, shittier version of multitasking on Android.

If I started a social movement and everyone associated me with a watered-down alternative that tries to silence my views, I would be a little miffed.

The repository itself is also watered down pretty severely because the actual project directory is just nested in there somewhere with no formal locus.

Watered definitions


(of silk fabric) having a wavelike pattern

See also: moire