Watercourse in a sentence as a noun

Plastic just sits there in landfill, or maybe chokes a sea turtle if someone tosses it in a watercourse.

Suppose I know that I'm on a certain lateral feature - a ridge, canyon, or watercourse.

Of course the cost advantage of water transport via natural watercourses continues to this day, and has been very influential in world history.

Geographically, it's dominated by a desiccated plateau: every watercourse carves a gorge, with the depth of gorge largely determined by how big the watercourse is.

One of the first things you notice upon visiting developing countries is that household waste is often dumped in very visible places where it tends to spread naturally and easily, including near watercourses used for drinking.

Watercourse definitions


natural or artificial channel through which water flows


a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth

See also: stream


a conduit through which water flows

See also: waterway