Wastefulness in a sentence as a noun

Is it just me that saw this and was struck by the essential wastefulness of paper?

Luxury is about comfort and choice, not greed and wastefulness.

Startups, on the other hand, aren't big enough to tolerate that kind of wastefulness.

The whole blog entry, though, represents a wastefulness that I couldn't myself condone.

Finishes up penance and walks away thinking that he has earnestly evaluated his own wastefulness.

I have often marvelled at the wastefulness and inefficiencies of the current teaching system.

Tldr - Admirer of gadget fashion design ponders wastefulness of consumer culture.

That seems to suggest that investors are happy to have cash right now; it also puts the complaints about excess or wastefulness against the current SV boom into some perspective ...

We're lucky not to be those people, but to me "luxury" implies either greed or wastefulness - that as software developers we're getting some kind of unreasonably good deal from the world.

My job has driven me to a libertarian viewpoint over a period of years after seeing inefficiency and wastefulness of the organizations I deal with.

> You can't get San Francisco running efficiently, because that would require large numbers of unionized city workers to willingly admit their redundancy and wastefulness.

I think the point is that your middle-class life is an "exploding volcano of wastefulness" and you can make a lot of decisions that reduce your expenses without sacrificing much, if any, quality of life.

And the extraordinary wastefulness in my mind of paying a company to follow postmen around and take back the mail just delivered to my box seems so ecologically wrong that I couldn't support it on that ground alone.

Wastefulness definitions


the trait of wasting resources; "a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste"; "the wastefulness of missed opportunities"

See also: thriftlessness waste


useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly; "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste"; "mindless dissipation of natural resources"

See also: waste dissipation