Wale in a sentence as a noun

I have typed some strange stuff due to autocorrect... although "wale" doesn't seem to autocorrect because it is a real word evidently.

Hard for all of us. I didn't grow up with american accented sports so I guess that's easier for me?The owners would all scream, shriek and wale if anything like the restraints on the players was placed on literally any of their business interests.

Eventually every terrestrial wale has inherited that ability, and then the process repeats, with another mutant wale evolving thicker blubber which would allow it to obtain more food, spend longer in the water end pass on their trait for blubber.

Wale definitions


a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions

See also: welt weal wheal


thick plank forming a ridge along the side of a wooden ship

See also: strake