Waking in a sentence as a noun

One tip which I didn't see: set an alarm for going to bed, not waking up.

It feels like waking up for the first time, and realizing that you'd been dreaming your whole life.

Meanwhile a sleepy hacker is waking up and making breakfast in the kitchen.

I've worked at software companies for the past 5 years and have spent most of my waking life in front of a computer screen.

The only on-switch Microsoft showed for waking the machine from its low-power state was a voice command... "Xbox On.

"When Steve came into my office I asked him a question: Steve, do you know why I came to work today?Why did I bother waking up?

Waking in a sentence as an adjective

You'd think that after years of Moore's Law, Comcast could make a cable box that didn't act as though I was waking it from a nap with each key press.

I already work nearly every waking hour on things related to jailbreaking: "I'm giving er' all she's got, captain".

NIH and the rest of the scientific community are just now waking up to the realization that science has lost its way, and it may take years to get back on the right path.

We've had 3 dramatic shifts in our evolution before, and the shape the next one will take is a topic that occupies most of my waking hours, mind space, and creativity.

Its important to me that the people who spend 12 to 16 hours/day here, which is most of their waking life, have a good life"Protip: if you want to have a good place to work, and your employees to have a good life, don't have 12-16 hour days.

Whatever it takes to be successful, whether that's hiring a speech coach, taking more classes at the university, learning etiquette, doing odd projects, finding a tutor, seeing a therapist, waking up at 6am to exercise... there is no limit.

Waking definitions


the state of remaining awake; "days of danger and nights of waking"


marked by full consciousness or alertness; "worked every moment of my waking hours"

See also: wakeful