Waken in a sentence as a verb

They were oncall 24x7, yet they rarely got waken up in the middle of a night.

It's just serve the purpose of trying to keep the audience waken up. Nothing more.

It's not unusual for my sysadmin to be waken up in the middle of the night

I now don't get waken up in the middle of a sleep cycle, and the sunlight naturally wakes me up.

I was informed I would be waken up during brain tumour surgery.

I think it's acceptable to be waken by a piezo instead of having no alarm at all.

If you're being waken up every day by unnatural means, your body is not getting enough sleep.

I wont waken when my body is resurrected, when my body is thawed and jump started, the processes that are me will be running again.

Maybe to elaborate OP's point; I never feel fully waken up if I haven't taken a shower and put on a clean set of clothes.

But laws about minors and their entrapment or protection might be enough to waken the laymen on this apparent abuse of power.

A lot of people will be left with a feeling of having no purpose and nothing to do. Fostering a culture of creativity to fill people's waken hours sounds like a good thing, but I fear there will be a lot of social unrest if people don't have anything to do.

No, almost all invocations of system calls are implicitly telling the kernel that you now wish to sleep, and want to be waken up once the system call completes.

There are days when it really clicks and Hawaii folks can pickup right where I left off when I go home and the company gets like a 14 hour work day. But for sure there are other days when I need something from someone that hasn't waken up yet, let alone gotten into the office.

Instead, I’m trying to waken functional programmers out of the opium fog and remind them how fun and creative genuinely functional programming can be.

Because as I mentioned, there are countless times where I regret not waking up and think "Damn if I was able to think rationally while I was sleeping, I would have totally waken up."

That possibly MIT didn't want waken a moral/ethical discussion around technology which is exactly what Aaron was trying to do. His message wasn't dangerous, but the conclusion of it means that the the army of engineers who work on MIT's weapons programs could disrupt a huge cash cow.

This is another one that really stuck with me:"But with all this, I would not be telling you the city's true essence; for while the description of Anastasia awakens desires one at a time only to force you to stifle them, when you are in the heart of Anastasia one morning your desires waken all at once and surround you.

His Wikipedia entry[1] describes it as "he arranged to be awakened every 90 minutes during his sleep period so he could write down his dreams", which sounds like an output process, but in an interview [2] it sounds like an input process: "When I was working on a story, I would waken myself every hour and a half, through the night--force myself to wake up, think of the story, try to solve it, and even as I was thinking about it I would fall back asleep.

Of all the billions of people who have ever lived, there's no evidence of anything leaving, or anywhere for it to go, or any reasonable sounding conjectures of what it might be made of or how it is powered or how it interacts with living brainmatter during life or any reasonable sounding suggestions for what happens in the event that the body dies with advanced alzheimers or as a foetus or in the fires of a nuclear bomb detonation or trapped in an inescapable airtight diving bell... If the materialist explanation of consciousness is correct, then it's plausible that "someone" will awaken when your body is resurrected and will have your memories, but it won't be you, because you won't exist to be experiencing it.

Waken definitions


cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."

See also: awaken wake rouse arouse


stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"

See also: awake arouse awaken wake