Vulcanize in a sentence as a verb

This can be avoided completely by using the `vulcanize` tool which bundles all imports into one file.

When you get stuck with Web Components or polymer, and you will get stuck, you are a lot more on your own. Also, for building you are, at least presently afaik, limited to vulcanize instead of the richer set of tools out there for more typical patterns.

The integration into Angular 2 was actually fairly seamless once I added vulcanize into the build process.

Http2 changes the performance constraints quite a bit so the previous decision not to support native html imports means you have to use vulcanize and you can't dynamically mix and match sources.

Check 'p1-backlog' in githubLess control over elements because of two-way-data binding, I guess I should use redux with it. But I'm still a bit confused about certain aspects of adding redux into the mixThe application end up really heavyI wish I had a bit more control over vulcanize

Vulcanize definitions


undergo vulcanization; "vulcanize rubber"

See also: vulcanise


subject to vulcanization; "vulcanized rubber"

See also: vulcanise