Vividness in a sentence as a noun

Sometimes, a well placed adverb can add vividness to your writing.

People will perceive the media of their day at the same level of vividness that they would have, in the past, perceived the media of the past.

I appreciate the vividness of your minestrone, pho and chocolate examples, but I can't seem to do what you describe.

> Emotion and vividness trump logical reasoning when it comes to swaying the massesSee, you're going in the wrong direction right of the bat.

Media vividness isn't a quality of the media -- it's attributed by the viewers.

Classic case of misleading vividness [1] of stellar performance of a fraction of the startups causing this phenomenon to spread.

At these levels of abstract analysis, it's all 'memory', and it's all being considered for 'storage', so storage class memory lacks vividness/contrast.

Emotion and vividness trump logical reasoning when it comes to swaying the masses, so we need vivid examples that make an emotional impact in order to win the public debate.

Although I agree that the original post was naive, I do not think that the misleading vividness and hasty generalization employed by Jefferson addresses the issue to which the OP was referring.

I don't know what to say to that - you provided a very vivid and emotionally-laden photo as what the "other side" was using to justify their position and now you say that the other side is not using vividness and emotion to make their point?

Vividness definitions


interest and variety and intensity; "the Puritan Period was lacking in color"; "the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness"

See also: color colour


chromatic purity: freedom from dilution with white and hence vivid in hue

See also: saturation chroma intensity