Visual in a sentence as an adjective

This seems to result in a large number of cases where the visual experience is pointless.

Better algorithms and visual design and so on can improve the way that a community polices itself.

Back button would visually indicate interaction but do nothing.

"The indie community believes that what people really want is experimental games with heart and a unique visual sensibility.

Although Google's Android apps are well-designed, they don't look like a team of visual designers hand-crafted each and every corner like Apple's apps and UIKit widgets seem to be.

People made greeting cards, family newsletters, notices, party decorations....In the visual arts, a lot of the people who do amusing Photoshop work are not professionals.

They offer instant visual feedback, precise tuning, spatial discrimination, variable velocities, can be used without looking, and can be adapted for multiple resolutions.- Sliders.

But if I were running the iOS show at Apple, I'd probably be worried about this development: if the visual presence of the OS disappears entirely from apps, it becomes that much less scary to pick up an Android phone because the apps won't look any different there.

A great deal of formal art education is learning to detach your visual stimulus from the semantic association you would otherwise naturally make...and perhaps reattach it to new semantic associations like "negative space" and "comparative brightness" and "relative white value".

Visual definitions


relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"

See also: ocular optic optical


visible; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"- Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image"

See also: ocular