Vigorish in a sentence as a noun

"Here's a bunch of vendors that were willing to pay our vigorish to be shoved in front of you.

> In practice, we could train these workers, but not at market prices with added recruiter vigorish.

But... it seems 100% serious.> In practice, we could train these workers, but not at market prices with added recruiter vigorish.

"Who is going to want to engage in commerce in a system that creams off a 10 percent vigorish on every transaction?

But they were very different from a typical struggling business that is levered up and has to make the vigorish every month.

The idealized view of stock and bond trading fails to fully account for the transaction costs, which are largely hidden, and this 'vigorish' makes it a losing game eventually.

The cumulative losses from vigorish are the reason that most people cannot make money with horse racing over time, regardless of their skill in picking winners or spotting edge cases.

Google has the patent portfolio to do so. Currently it is monetizing that portfolio by offering protection for vigorish.

But let's say someone else had an app that really was, that was doing in-app purchases without giving apple their 30% vigorish.... all you have to do is make it for Android too, and Apple will let you?Really?Does this really work?

Vigorish definitions


an exorbitant or unlawful rate of interest

See also: usury


a percentage (of winnings or loot or profit) taken by an operator or gangster

See also: rake-off