Viewpoint in a sentence as a noun

In many parts of the country, support of prop 8 is a mainstream viewpoint.

" You see, one viewpoint is self centered, negative, desperate and looking for a way out.

I follow a sociologist on Twitter who writes a lot of essays from the latter viewpoint.

To think the two are even in the same zip code, much less the same ballpark, is just, well it reflects a rather isolated viewpoint, put it that way. Yahoo is a $19B corporation.

The different viewpoint of legalizing usage was that it is a medical problem, and not a evil crime.

" And the case worked out true to form, with what must have appeared to be surreal results from the viewpoint of the midwest firm's executive management.

She'll be taking the reins of a company that still attracts a massive userbase but is aching for someone with a fresh viewpoint on how to transform the company.

I see this from the opposite viewpoint, that PadMapper is operating as a search engine designed to help you find the right Craigslist posts for your apartment hunt.

The author would [edit: probably - I haven't checked] have been perfectly at liberty to express the same viewpoint without self-identifying as a TSA official.

In any sort of a contest - financial, mental, or physical - it's an enormous advantage to have opponents who have been taught it's useless even to try." - Warren BuffetThis quote neatly summarizes what I fundamentally don't accept about this viewpoint.

"It gets under my skin because it is a pompous, privileged, insulting, and myopic viewpoint which reeks of class warfare and it is indicative of a growing sentiment I see amongst people in the tech community.

People who have different upbringings in different geographic areas are of course going to be biased towards certain views, and it's a bit unfair to chastise them for not completely realigning their viewpoints overnight for something that has probably been the fastest and most productive civil rights movement, maybe ever.

Viewpoint definitions


a mental position from which things are viewed; "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"; "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"

See also: stand standpoint


a place from which something can be viewed; "from that vantage point he could survey the whole valley"