Vengeful in a sentence as an adjective

Maybe I'm just a vengeful ******* who should just deal with it - but I doubt I'm alone over here.

It's amazing how often government seems to act like a vengeful ex.

We had the Columbine shooters who seemed to be more vengeful than fame-seeking.

The US government really is extremely petty and vengeful.

Every fellow inmate will identify with her victims and in a male prison they would be vengeful.

Precisely so, the criminal justice system is incredibly vengeful.

It's an issue of the state seeking vengeful punishment for political purposes and not seeking to maximizing public safety or victim compensation.

And I don't care if that sounds vengeful/mean/trolling - he was basically driven to ******* because of her cornering and bulling him using overzealous prosecutorial overreach.

Therefore, to me it's clear that you're attempting to manufacture a narrative in spite of the facts: the man became president of a majority black nation and could easily, if he was so vengeful as you'd like to portray him, have commanded force against his former jailers.

Vengeful definitions


disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge; "more vindictive than jealous love"- Shakespeare; "punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature"- M.R.Cohen

See also: revengeful vindictive