Valence in a sentence as a noun

The valence of Andreesen's feelings about Snowden isn't at all weird.

People should stop pretending that conspiracy theories are helpful when they're of the right valence.

I don't know if I'm as certain as you are about this issue, but my thoughts about this issue have opposite valence.

More importantly, the Altman subject has much more valence than the point about diagnosing Redis failures.

This is not true; like any weapon, its moral valence is ineluctably situational and determined by the use to which it's put.

They have a high valence, because people recognize and relate to the underlying correct argument even though it's hidden behind a cloud of snark.

Its valence electrons are in the same shell but are being "pulled closer" by the protons, so the total diameter of nucleus + electron shell is "smaller.

The second study comes to a similar conclusion but fleshes it out a little more eloquently:"Importantly, however, our findings also reveal that virality is driven by more than just valence.

Nature grants us a huge reprieve in that we can safely ignore most atomic behavior: only the valence orbitals have interesting interactions, and nuclei are much heavier than electrons, so we can model the electrons' behavior independently.

Valence definitions


(biology) a relative capacity to unite or react or interact as with antigens or a biological substrate

See also: valency


(chemistry) a property of atoms or radicals; their combining power given in terms of the number of hydrogen atoms (or the equivalent)

See also: valency