Vacuum in a sentence as a noun

That's great, dude, but you sold ******* vacuum cleaners.

And sure, some of them really would prefer Coke in a vacuum.

Just use a vacuum inside your superstrong hull!

There's now a vacuum where Code Search was, and, evidently, some demand.

Good job!The value for LinkedIn to vacuum up my email is immense!

" Language doesn't form in a vacuum, nor is its growth confined to dictionaries.

Vacuum in a sentence as a verb

These types of outrageous requests don't exist in a vacuum.

So far so good--at least this comports with vacuum tube conventions, which will be familiar to all readers of Hacker News.

Any animal that starts life having to unglue their feet from the bottom of a vacuum-packed, delivery case is a winner.

It's much like the corporate world when the firm has way too many meetings in the course of developing something and there is a leadership vacuum.

If you open a bunch of connections, and access/update a bunch of table rows, you'll have a lot of locks on hand, and that will get in the way of autovacuuming and such.

Vacuum definitions


the absence of matter

See also: vacuity


an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space"; "without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum"

See also: void vacancy emptiness


a region that is devoid of matter

See also: vacuity


an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction


clean with a vacuum cleaner; "vacuum the carpets"

See also: vacuum-clean hoover