Upstage in a sentence as a noun

My guess is that he doesn't want to upstage himself.

He seemed to flinch when she took his arm, almost as if he didn't want to be upstage.

Upstage in a sentence as a verb

Unity's been free for years, you've fallen for their advertising to upstage Unreal.

He'll probably avoid the stage in order to not upstage Tim Cook's first big event but Cook may ask him to come out briefly at the end or they might do a call like you suggest.

Upstage in a sentence as an adjective

We have a political system in which the only way to win is to destroy your opposition, discredit them, shame them, find hidden dirt and upstage them in media clips.

Uber is not particularly revolutionary, but the existing taxi system in many areas was so regressive and unpleasant to use that it didn't take much more than a decent app to upstage them.

Upstage definitions


the rear part of the stage


treat snobbishly, put in one's place


move upstage, forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience


steal the show, draw attention to oneself away from someone else; "When the dog entered the stage, he upstaged the actress"


of the back half of a stage; "she crossed to the upstage chair forcing the lead to turn his back to the audience"


remote in manner; "stood apart with aloof dignity"; "a distant smile"; "he was upstage with strangers"

See also: aloof distant


at or toward the rear of the stage; "the dancers were directed to move upstage"