Upsetting in a sentence as an adjective

Or maybe it's upsetting to think about... that I sympathize with...

I know I am being dramatic, but this whole thing is very upsetting. The worst is, there is no reform over the horizon.

There's almost nothing that can be said on the topic without upsetting a large number of people. Before switching to CS, I spent a couple years in nursing school.

On the other hand: 90% of what was upsetting about this article was the result of judges and the probation system. I have much less sympathy for a judge than I do for a police.

The result, while upsetting, was a freak accident. It could not realistically have been predicted.

It's on a very small scale, but still noticeable with the right instruments and upsetting to the general public. Sound: 6/10 \nFantastic variety.

News about upsetting things like tens of thousands of children starving to death every day in poor parts of Africa. I hope it's clear that the internet would not be improved by having opt-out filters for all those things.

What's upsetting is the 14/15 professors who voted him to be expelled. Do computer science professors not understand the concept of white-hat hacking?

It's also kind of upsetting that this post is at the top of HN and getting a kind of froth-at-the-mouth reaction that it is. It's well-known and indeed massively controversial[1] that there's a CrunchFund/TechCrunch conflict.

Plus then there is the human aspect - someone at Kickstarter is sat there seeing these horrid things being posted and thinking "wow, that must be really upsetting". So they delete the project - which could have been handled better, admittedly.

That would definitely be upsetting to me if the gig had been sold as a way to strongly impact an open source piece of software, and Jean-Baptiste's decision seems very reasonable. Can android users/developers weigh in?

Its upsetting because while yes, information freedom is a very important topic and needs to happen, but it does not trump human freedom. I'm not sure if this is a straw man or not - but how can they justify working with an entity that has such a horrid human rights record?

Yes, and PayPal definitely has a history of not upsetting its customers, avoiding negative PR, and not making things worse for themselves. We can certainly bet on them to handle this acquisition in a reasonable way.

The most upsetting part about this is that some of Knuth's valuable and limited mental energy was wasted because of some idiot publishers trying to make a buck and being sloppy.

The weird/upsetting thing is that CTO would go to the producer of a software his or her company use for free and despite having active communication lines open go behind the developer's back to have it removed from the very website they got it from. I believe that the technical term here would be "dick move".

I personally find this article's brand of narcissism-masquerading-as-activism really upsetting. This is not a blog entry about uncovering the seedy side of Google and how they abuse their employees.

LucasArts as everyone knew it died a long time ago, the most upsetting thing was that the company that was left had no vision past the Star Wars license, leaving all the other IP to rot. My hope is that Disney actually has a more holistic view on the LucasArts properties, because it's used to managing many diverse properties in a way LucasFilm was not.

As internal counsel for YC, it was very upsetting to learn about the ongoing troubles at Amicus. It was particularly distressing to hear about the payroll tax issues, given that YC has funded excellent companies that specialize in accounting and payroll for small businesses, such as Indinero and Zenpayroll.

Sorry in advance for being negative, it's not these particular buttons that are problematic, they're technically very nice, its animated icons/buttons/logos in general that I think we should consider visually upsetting. Here is my reasoning: The genius of gradients and shadows in design is that they allow for objects to appear 3D, that is, they can visually "pop" off the flat page and therefore draw the users' attention to them.

I would implore you to investigate whether its your own discomfort that you're trying to avoid, rather than upsetting children who will invariably see penises before you want them to. To me it seems likely that something will happen that will disturb them and leave an impression -- this could be an accidental glance at something they weren't meant to see, a discarded piece of porn, driving past an adult bookstore when the door is open, or it could be something more intentional and malicious.

Upsetting definitions


causing an emotional disturbance; "his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly"- Herb Caen; "an upsetting experience"

See also: disconcerting