Uprightness in a sentence as a noun

It's the engineer part that suggests the moral uprightness.

We can simply use "uprightness" for exactly that meaning in English, too.

The picture's power derives not just from the scars, a record of his mistreatment, but also from his uprightness and strength.

Only thing you need to ask yourself as an Indian is the degree of integrity, honesty, and uprightness of your ruling class.

I'm not saying ancient rome wasn't filled with similar things, and who knows if marcus was a man of moral fiber or just talked the talk, but surely i'd like to believe that his uprightness got him to where he was.

Maybe its the morality of society in general or maybe its the Trump effect but I think we have been too quick to assign hero status and moral uprightness to people at the slightest opportunity.

The following don't exist in the colloquialisms or formal records of the language, but are grammatically correct: Wehmot -> sorecourage Einsam -> onepeace Stimmung -> innervoice Lebensmut -> lifegrit Liebenswürdig -> loveworthy And, despite the author's claims, many do have direct equivalent words in English: Ursprung -> outspring Aufrichtigkeit -> uprightness Entwicklung -> unwrapping Entschuldigen -> unguilt All of which could be used in the manner described in the article.

Meanwhile, you show no evident scruple in trading away the lives of the **** regime's victims, in the cause of preserving those of its subjects:> The answer is no, absolutely ******* notTo be clear, I don't make this point in order to argue some special lack of moral rectitude on your part, but rather for its value as an example of the fact that, in warfare, there exist no options that offer perfect moral uprightness - that the choices available there are not between virtue and iniquity, but rather between greater iniquity and lesser.

Uprightness definitions


the property of being upright in posture

See also: erectness


position at right angles to the horizon

See also: verticality verticalness erectness


righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest

See also: rectitude