Uppercase in a sentence as a noun

The last letter is not uppercase "a", but uppercase "α".

In Turkish, the undotted is the lowercase of I, and the dotted is the uppercase of i.

I really dislike how sans-serif fonts conflate the lowercase "L" and the uppercase "i".

Mainly because there's no way to know if 'I' is uppercase of 'i' or '' since there's not a separate place for Turkish 'I' in code tables.

Uppercase in a sentence as an adjective

My earlier comment was just a friendly reminder but since you went uppercase on me I'll add that you should know better because of the industry you work in.

We differentiate between the matchable symbols and the constructors on case: lowercase means matchable, uppercase means constructor.

Judging by the examples, the script fonts appear to have been designed to have realistic characteristics such as uppercase letters and a variety of heights in lowercase letters.

Here's an example of inappropriate chars:UTP+NnhabgHKx6So I make a different password and the sites say it is too weak as it has no special chars or uppercase chars:5133fe36785a6e01cac7a68c9c111afff5bb4821So I give up and type Password1 which is normally accepted.

Uppercase definitions


one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis; "printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases; capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upper-case letters"

See also: capital majuscule


relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor's type case; "uppercase letters; X and Y and Z etc"