Unvoiced in a sentence as an adjective

Th as in this: "This sound, and its unvoiced counterpart, are rare phonemes.

Looks like "your house is big" doesn't contract because the voiced "is" becomes unvoiced "-s" when contracting, and two unvoiced "s" sounds don't join together.

It's seem like the implicit thing the dude implying, where his government will get these unvoiced people to talk about online articles and judge how true it is.

However, for those non-native English speakers on HN, it's pronounced differently: "Miss" is pronounced with an unvoiced "s" at the end, "Ms." is pronounced "Mizz".

Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced.

I think about the thousands of "books" and scrolls and story to experience, hours of voiced dialogue and just reams of unvoiced dialogue...And I compare it to the "Hello Traveler!

Unstressed vowels are commonly interchanged, voiced and unvoiced consonants too, and rules for correctly writing ь and ъ are so badly known that mistakes can be commonly seen in materials coming from mass media and government offices.

Unvoiced definitions


produced without vibration of the vocal cords; "unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'"

See also: voiceless surd hard


not made explicit; "the unexpressed terms of the agreement"; "things left unsaid"; "some kind of unspoken agreement"; "his action is clear but his reason remains unstated"

See also: unexpressed unsaid unstated unuttered unverbalized unverbalised unspoken