Unsheathed in a sentence as an adjective

There is no reason to be afraid of an unsheathed circuit board.

You should be able to do this only on phones which have an external unsheathed antenna. Which other ones are there?

The learned person would reflect on the wealth of the feedback that you're getting here rather than assuming that you've unsheathed some gloden nugget of truth that the rest of us silly fools can't glean. Damn right it did.

The learned person would reflect on the wealth of the feedback that you're getting here rather than assuming that you've unsheathed some gloden nugget of truth that the rest of us silly fools can't glean. aversion to cheating is embedded in the social systems of all sorts of living creatures.

> So when a human thinks about a cat, she can probably picture the way it moves, hear the sound of purring, feel the impending scratch from an unsheathed claw. She has a rich store of sensory information at her disposal to understand the idea of a ‘cat’, and other related concepts that might help her interact with such a creature.

Basically, the key was a series of connected sections with small differences between them, they would slide into the lock from the middle of a spring-loaded sheath and then follow an odd path inside the lock, so neither observation of the keyway, the sheathed key, or even likely the unsheathed key, would give you a clear picture of how to reconstruct the interaction between the sections of the key, or where in the lock they interacted. Sadly I have no patent reference for the lock, only a description in an old newspaper that ran a story on the creator.

Unsheathed definitions


not having a protective covering; "unsheathed cables"; "a bare blade"

See also: bare