Unreliable in a sentence as an adjective

"C is unreliable" is the wrong way to conceptualize the problem.

In some cases, I seek out the thoughts of those whose facts are unreliable, because their opinions are interesting or novel.

I tried face unlock briefly on the Google Nexus I've got and disabled it shortly after when I found that it was unreliable.

Once again, not understanding the subject can result on a board that looks great but does not work, or worst, is hopelessly unreliable.

Redundancy is a key part of unreliable protocol jokes.

Based on his experience, he has come to believe that the drone program amounts to little more than death by unreliable metadata.

Aaron didn't get end up getting along with Alexis or Steve, who considered him immature, dramatic, and unreliable.

People with made-up numbers confront people with unreliable anecdotes.

If you try to add capacity to a system at 100% utilization, it is not going to work.> 5. mongos is unreliable> The mongod/config server/mongos architecture is actually pretty reasonable and clever.

Unreliable definitions


liable to be erroneous or misleading; "an undependable generalization"

See also: undependable


not worthy of reliance or trust; "in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable"; "an undependable assistant"

See also: undependable


dangerously unstable and unpredictable; "treacherous winding roads"; "an unreliable trestle"

See also: treacherous


lacking a sense of responsibility