Unintentional in a sentence as an adjective

Next to the unintentional deleters, the second group looks like a rounding error.

The first is the HN comments, which are an unintentional fountain of hilarity.

That's the difference between an "intentional bug" and an "unintentional bug".The former is when you want the program to do X, and X itself is wrong.

Are you claiming that this man having pictures of his own grandchildren playing in their yard naked is "unintentional possession of child pornography"?

They know spying can be abused, but in their minds any abuse is unintentional and minor relative to the purported benefits of spying on terrorists.

This is perhaps an unintentional demonstration that "insecure against absurdly complex and specific attacks" does not always mean "insecure.

They make everyone look bad and we all walk away feeling like maybe we've lost faith in humanity when in reality a serious problem just stems from mostly unintentional, but hurtful ignorance.

They may be intentionally bad, seeking nefarious and self-motivated gain, or it may be unintentional: simply an absence of knowledge in a certain area which produces disastrous decision making.

Unintentional definitions


without deliberate intent; "my heart with unwilled love grew warm"- George Macdonald

See also: unwilled


not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked"

See also: unplanned unwitting