Ungovernable in a sentence as an adjective

If I was in one of the saner parts of the country I'd be joining secessionist movements, they country just seems ungovernable as is.

Your machine is a weird, ungovernable collection of state that cannot be fully understood and rarely presents the same way twice.

An ungovernable currency sounds like as bad a problem as a poorly governed currency.

The United States is ungovernable in any coherent manner, except as an empire.

Human decency helps, without it society would be ungovernable, but it's police with guns and the threat of justice that keeps the bad apples from ruining the harvest.

The US isn't an ungovernable collection of states that need Federation only for dealing with other countries anymore.

Not from the US, but it seems there's a widely internalized view of the US being so big that it's ungovernable in some ways, so things that are learned in other countries can't be applied.

This is known as "the reason large public companies too often become bloated ungovernable unreformable monsters".

California is not ungovernable -- it's just been ungoverned.

I imagine the recoil would have been ungovernable in the original blowback configuration and the reciprocating mass would have been relatively huge.

Trillions wasted on war, distracted from fixing economic problems, Turkey handed to the mullahs on a silver platter, occupation of ungovernable territories, etc.

So in this case, I say hysteria as in the definition: "ungovernable emotional excess".So basically doing things that aren't reasonable as indicated by health experts.

"It is not difficult to imagine that conflicts arising from forced migrations and economic collapse might make the planet ungovernable, threatening the fabric of civilization.

> Are there specific examples of problems that splitting CA would fix?Not anywhere in any article I've seen -- just more platitudes about the size of government and vague allusions to California being ungovernable.

You just omitted everything, for example that the republic had 8 different Coup d'etat and that it often needed to use the army to repress their own civilians, restrict rights in many regions and became ungovernable during most of its time.

I always see comments about how huge and ungovernable India is because of its diversity... doesn't it make sense to break India down into more governable nation-states then?I read somewhere that there are districts in India with more people than the entire population of Norway!

Ungovernable definitions


of persons; "the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly"

See also: indocile uncontrollable unruly