Ungainly in a sentence as an adjective

If so, MS might have let the interpreter get a bit ungainly -- you might argue.

Sure, and on screen the S5 might not look too big, but in my hands it felt ungainly and awkward for anything longer than a few minutes.

It is ungainly and hard to maintain, even while delivering a sub-par experience.

I give it my best, but it's a bit harder this time, my legs haven't recuperated from the previous sprint and I am even more ungainly if possible.

The real problem with Android is the ungainly APIs and how very cumbersome it is to develop anything reasonable.

" which is their future point that they are building systems around, sometimes today they seem ungainly or even useless when no network is available.

In the author's case I'm sure he'd prefer to have is service cut off prior to running up a 1k bill. If one of my test instances started bleeding bandwidth I'd prefer for it to just get killed then to rack up an ungainly bill. If its your production service then don't configure a cutoff.

I'd say it was more:"Roboto is ungainly, homely, unharmonious and it looks exactly like Helvetica, which of course is gainly, beautiful and harmonious.

Gruber's post contains nothing substantive except for "The criticism is simply that Roboto is ungainly, homely, unharmonious.

Or that it's somehow indicative of all Java applications?I know Java isn't cool, but I don't see what is achieved by staring, pointing and giggling because you found an example of its use that is ungainly.

If there's nothing else, and the language allows you to pass in arguments into the runtime executable, you could always do something really ungainly like accept an argument for 'environment', and have code that executes differently based on that.

Ungainly definitions


lacking grace in movement or posture; "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs"; "clumsy fingers"; "what an ungainly creature a giraffe is"; "heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair"

See also: gawky clumsy clunky unwieldy


difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape; "an awkward bundle to carry"; "a load of bunglesome paraphernalia"; "clumsy wooden shoes"; "the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl"

See also: awkward bunglesome clumsy