Unfairness in a sentence as a noun

We don’t care about unfairness all over around us.

There may indeed be incredible unfairness in the way in which these laws are framed and applied.

I suspect that what they call unfairness, I'd call abusive behaviour.

Look, I work on a lot of proprietary stuff as well, but even if Github didn't exist, we'd both be subject to the same "unfairness.

They deserve some kind of medal for that, by the way, because I have no dog in this fight at all and I can't seem to shut up about the unfairness of it all.

When we start a negotiation from a point of unfairness and unreasonableness, both sides are then on the defensive which anyone who has read Dale Carnegie knows is a recipe for failure.

The judge acknowledged the inherent unfairness of barring a party that had lost in a court proceeding from contesting the ruling and from publicly claiming that the ruling was wrong.

Even with those counterarguments and discussion, there is something to be said for the unfairness of publicly discussing whether or not this kid has anything to do with the case.

The idealistic idea that competition breeds productivity and effectiveness is a flat-out lie. Instead, you get in-fighting, unfairness, bitterness, resentment, and incorrect direction.

From this fact comes the common saying among prosecutors, "I could indict a ham sandwich for the ****** of a pig."Most citizens are comforted by the notion, that no matter the unfairness in the initial process, eventually they will be able to present their case to a jury of their peers.

What's a few dead people in far off places if you're getting rich, right ?Meantime, US judges complain about the crazy Catch-22 goalpost moving unfairness and still people languish innocently in Guantanimo and die in what can best be described as "unclear circumstances".A nation founded on rebellion against unfair and unjust oppression, seeking life and liberty.

Unfairness definitions


partiality that is not fair or equitable


injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards

See also: inequity


an unjust act

See also: injustice iniquity shabbiness