Uneven in a sentence as an adjective

We all knew that firms in India were of uneven quality -- some good and some bad.

You can argue this gives Comic Sans bad or uneven contrast, and I'd be inclined to agree.

Instead, figure out what this will all look like when you do have very uneven amounts of text.

They intuitively dont believe that returns could be that uneven.

It's uneven, but playing it, it feels like you're experiencing /something/.

It might produce more uneven outcomes, depending upon one's choice of modeling.

By many accounts, today's playing field is fairly uneven -- and that's where we should be focusing our attention and effort.

A government that does not have the power to make an even field uneven will also not have the power to make an uneven field even.

Were he to clear the backlog as it came in, the flow of work would be very uneven, and that would necessitate all sorts of other overhead costs.

He portraits many, many strategies for startups to disrupt markets and compete in uneven situations.

At the same time, we need to be comfortable with the probability than a perfectly even playing field will still produce uneven outcomes.

It's a cool insight that I just learned, but if the two gears share a multiple, then the same teeth will engage with each other over and over leading to uneven wear pattern.

What's with the very uneven handed approach to law enforcement?Oh right, school shootings make the news and are near terrorism and murdering a woman's family gruesomely is...

In a violin, viola, or cello, the bow has uneven tension along its length, allowing for many different articulations - it also means that when you start the bowstroke at the top or bottom of the bow, the hair tension is higher at those points.

Uneven definitions


not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture; "an uneven color"; "uneven ground"; "uneven margins"; "wood with an uneven grain"


(of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents; "vaudeville...waged an uneven battle against the church"

See also: mismatched


not divisible by two


variable and recurring at irregular intervals ; "an uneven gait"; "uneven spacing"


lacking consistency; "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty"

See also: spotty scratchy