Unease in a sentence as a noun

I guess this abuts my general unease with FB as a whole.

There is even mis-trust over a sense of unease at the notion of "there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I think the growing unease in the EU about US access to cloud service data is only going to get more serious.

I knew I felt some unease with Scala's abbreviated lambda syntax, but couldn't pin down what it was that bothered me.

There is a pretty easy philosophical workaround for your unease.

I can't help but think that they'd be lower with Amazon calling the shots, but without any data to back me up I'm left with just a vague sense of unease.

Status updates and the increased ability to interact with friends and family tempered this unease.

In this case, 20-30 year old malesThis perfectly encapsulates my unease with this kind of recruiting/self selection approach.

It's the "sexism in technology" posts that are reflexively flagged and to me that suggests something more than boredom is at work, perhaps an unease with the whole topic.

And, like a peanut butter cup left at my keyboard, when I happen upon one, I will digest each, and the consequences are mentally similar- indigestion of the mind, malaise, unease.

Well, the "so what" is everything: Unwanted Attention is Unwanted because it embraces some sort of threat or menace or unreasonable expectation or social tension or unease.

I have actually thought about building something that sits between consumers and the Chinese artists, to capitalise on the unease some might feel in sending money abroad with little idea of what might come of it.

A company keeping a permanent database of my interests, which sites I like to visit and any other information that it can access definitively causes a feeling of unease.

It usually generates a certain unease about physical safety, but at least in a non-professional context you can roll your eyes and attribute it to the fact that you're dealing with a neanderthal.

" Would you seriously be surprised at your guest's sudden unease while relieving himself?No one's saying that this is the OP's fault, but telling a flight attendant "I'm not a terrorist" is like saying, "Use my bathroom, I didn't install any cameras in it.

In the case of SHA-2, it was clear going in that there wasn't a "speeds and feeds" problem with SHA so much as there was a gathering unease about the basic design of the family of hashes from which SHA-2 is derived: MD4 and MD5 are broken, and SHA-1 isn't looking long for this world.

Inside crypto circles however, it's my impression that everyone lives with a slight unease that much of the math they rely on has unproven lower bound complexity, the majority of implementations in existence are horrific, and the key management and trust models we all depend on are terrible and obscured from the users view and understanding.

Unease definitions


physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)

See also: malaise uneasiness


the trait of seeming ill at ease

See also: disquiet uneasiness