Unearth in a sentence as a verb

I've had some fun on Google trying to unearth their inspirations.

I've been told I'm a good listener and ask good questions, so let's see what we can unearth about your situation.

That, and an officer needs the search to unearth evidence worth the paperwork and bother.

Happy people don't turn their lives upside down striving to build great companies and unearth essential truths.

It required skilled security researchers to unearth it.

All it would take is "probable cause", which seems very easy to get, to unearth that data and start blackmail or expose the person.

I have no qualms about downloading an MP3 of a track that I already physically own but am too lazy to unearth and rip.

Mostly noting that there are lots and lots of "undiscovered" cities because it's extremely expensive to unearth and preserve them.

The community goal of an HN comment thread should be to unearth the most interesting, useful aspects of the submitted content.

"Look at smaller sustainable startups that are flying under the radar to unearth proven, repeatable best practices.

TBH I've always thought that variations in skulls unearthed and labelled as different genus seemed not to be that varied next to the variation in modern people.

What the anti corruption crusaders are likely to unearth might be a very tiny fraction of tiny fractions of illegitimate wealth.

This is ridiculous, but its amusing to me that collisions between audiophiles and computer folks often unearth ignorance on both sides.

Unearth definitions


bring to light; "The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President"


recover through digging; "Schliemann excavated Troy"; "excavate gold"

See also: excavate