Underprice in a sentence as a verb

They underprice them because they do not account for what all of their costs are going to be.

We have thousands of publishers on our platform, and 99% of them underprice their software.

The "wants to help you" me really, really wants to quote numbers because I think people pervasively underprice their services.

OP here - the main point is that most indie software is underpriced, mostly because the developer fears not making sales.

The markets probably underprice the value of forgiving debt.

Many startup businesses fail because they underprice their products.

If you don't have good reviews there and clients asking for you then you pretty much have to underprice the already cut rate prices to get work.

Companies generally underprice the stock going through the underwriting banks so by the time they're sure to have a liquid market.

I dunno... it seems like the likely winner in a commoditized market would be the one with the greatest economies of scale, since that would drive down their costs and allow them to underprice their competitors.

In order to dismantle ARM, Intel would have to significantly underprice commodity ARM fabricators - which would destroy Intel's historical margins.

But I think you misunderstand - I'm not saying investment banks are required to underprice IPO's to get them fully subscribed, but clearly they need to avoid over pricing the shares if they expect to keep selling them.

No, the difference with google is they use their billions of dollars and monopoly/near monopoly status in neighboring markets to come in, underprice competitors for years to not only win users for a saas product but also to poison the market and drive all competitors out of business, and then close up shop and wonder why people are pissed.

Underprice definitions


sell at artificially low prices

See also: dump