Underling in a sentence as a noun

[1] It's not like the AP is trying to protect the underling facts here.

If an underling really shines, then it reflects well on the underling.

The hard part is scaling access to your underling data, which heavily depends on your exact use case.

It preaches equality N. says and only a slave or an underling would preach equality and they do so because they have less than their masters.

If you seriously think that a boss^2 is going to take the side of an underling, then please, try to make it happen the next time you are checkmated.

Keith Rabois, Khosla partner - he was bounced from Square because he was playing grab-*** with one of his underlings who he was porking - the underling filed a lawsuit.

I am a mortgage company underling and can confirm that almost everyone at my company, and the realtors we deal with, use tons of emoticons.

Is an email to Michael Gove really the best way to get his attention?This is a classic fob off email by a gatekeeper underling who has no idea who you are.

With that sort of money flying around and the amount of power those involved likely have, it's easy to see them leveraging the criminal system to CYA and stick this to some underling.

If society, superficially, doesn't look like old **** Germany, is that enough for a majority to be content, even if underling that is something deeply nasty?

As a perpetual underling, being subjected to a litany of leading and loaded questions to which one is expected only to "yes/no," in an gladhanding way, I read this post and thought "look, just get to the point.

To do it at the level required by modern science, data analysis and engineering you need to be able to focus on the abstract symbols, equations and rules that govern them without relying on an intuition for underling objects.

It's hard to imagine that the core of the agenda was "badly manage a digitization process to destroy priceless knowledge while not really saving any money"Presumably many of the people who voted for Harper will want the incompetent underling responsible dealt with, if for no other reason than to prevent the management of their actual agenda from coming into disrepute.

Underling definitions


an assistant subject to the authority or control of another

See also: subordinate subsidiary