Undefinable in a sentence as an adjective

The word "Soft Skill" is so undefinable, it is often used to attack people you simply don't like.

"Cool" is undefinable and you also need to consider one thing.

They are totally undefinable sitting by a raw IP address.

A human currently has the advantage in certain "soft" undefinable aspects of decision making, which we can call intuition.

Their higher income combined with the belief that there's intrinsic undefinable value to wines produced a certain way will create a separate market for high-end wines.

Media today tries to emulate that nostalgic feeling, but there's this undefinable element that distinguishes the time period.

Who is to say that a base 10 encoding of numbers is a better proof of existence than one written in C++?You might have more success with arguing against the existence of undefinable numbers.

Surely the depth of the specialists is required, but the adjunct skills of the generalist turn out to be more important for knowledge work such as software and business, and important in unmeasurable and undefinable ways.

But hey...it's great when there's a profession with vague/undefinable job responsibilities and lots of authority over the product features -- you get to take a disproportionate share of the credit, which makes that next UX Design gig easier to get!

I haven't really studied algorithmic information theory, but I'd assume that Kolmogorov complexity isn't defined for uncomputable/undefinable numbers.

You should not do a start-up to do a start-up, you should do a startup because somewhere inside of you there is an outrageous, nearly undefinable force driving you to do it because you know the idea in some form or another must exist for the world to be as it should

And if they can run AWS as well as they can, then you assume you can trust them with your password too- Micropayments -- your credit card is already linked to your Amazon account, presumably, so it suddenly enables you to pay for content, etc. on a wide range of sites where you might not otherwise, due to friction and trust issuesIt's funny... for some undefinable "fuzzy" reason, I feel much more willing to log into a site using Amazon credentials, than I would with Google, Facebook or even Apple.

Undefinable definitions


not capable of being precisely or readily described; not easily put into words; "an indefinable feeling of terror"; "an abstract concept that seems indefinable"

See also: indefinable