Uncomfortableness in a sentence as a noun

This group is just one way in which to ease into the uncomfortableness of standing out.

After that three week point, once again, I noticed the uncomfortableness of it fade away.

I ended up getting used to the mild uncomfortableness of having someone watching you "work", which led to me dropping the service.

But it's not really about the degree of nudity, but the degree of uncomfortableness felt by the audience.

And I remember many of my classmates expressing an uncomfortableness with smalltalk when I got to freshman orientation.

It was an interesting read to empathize with the uncomfortableness of the situation, but the sexualization stood out to me far more sexism.

Also a certain uncomfortableness with perceived stupidity in how things are organized, which miraculously went away when I was the one doing the organizing.

Satire, farce, bawdiness have all been used as tools to make the oppressed in society feel better about themselves, to make people who don't notice oppression realize that it's there, but to laugh at their own uncomfortableness.

There doesn't seem to be any real willingness to talk about the necessary uncomfortableness people will have to go through in order to do that yet, though - people's mindsets seem to be stuck on growing or teching our way out.

There would be some uncomfortableness created by the miscommunication that was completely unintended and unnecessary.

It's not political correctness to say, "When the things you say make women not just a single anecdotal woman, but women plural, many women uncomfortable, then probably you can find a better way to get laughs than through their uncomfortableness.

Yes that is exactly what I got from reading the manifesto he is an uncomfortable human-being who blames every one else for his uncomfortableness and uses technology as a scape goat.> but to understand the man you got to read what actually radicalized him.

Uncomfortableness definitions


the state of being tense and feeling pain

See also: discomfort


embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you

See also: self-consciousness uneasiness