Unclutter in a sentence as a verb

Is there a way to unclutter my CLI script but still have the commands?

NYC took steps to unclutter their parking signs a couple years ago.

Or "unclutter the desktop - only reveal the clock when it's looked at"?

Always have your content you need to get done open.- Take a few days to clean and unclutter stuff.

That advice, in my head, was trying to stop those people from Buying More Things in order to unclutter the house.

So you unclutter the order from all the **** that magically got added.

The main reason seems to be to unclutter the listing of topics in wikipedia.

So your task is to figure out which is the most common thing they want to do and unclutter the UI so they can figure out how to do it quickly.

At last something promising that will help me unclutter the "read it later" webpages I bookmarked and wanted to read for ages but didn't have time to read them.

I asked for my iphone with maximum memory and was asked about it. I'm a digital packrat and willing to pay extra to not have to unclutter my music, movies, media, and apps as often.

The point is to factor out the repeated check-for-None code into one place to reduce redundancy and unclutter the algorithmic code in f. Separation of Concerns.

Removing functionality to unclutter an interface is newbie design thinking, as a command line is never cluttered.

Pressing the "Application windows" shortcut now shows me all nine windows, and just to add to the confusion OS X Lion switches away from the present workspace to the workspace most recently used!In my view it contradicts the very purpose of "Spaces" since a workspace is used to unclutter all the active apps and windows.

Unclutter definitions


rid of obstructions; "Clear your desk"

See also: clear