Unavoidably in a sentence as an adverb

Just because the security situation is so bad right now does not mean that it is unavoidably so.

When you create a language, you must unavoidably privilege some ways of thinking and working above others. You must make some things easier, at the expense of making some things harder.

These sort of comparisons are just unavoidably apples and oranges.

Your perspective completely and unavoidably changes once kids come along. Your desire to leave your mark and influence on the world has a new target - the one who is looking at you in the morning, asking you for breakfast.

It's not that one consciously sits there and thinks "Man, that two hundred pound woman pouring my coffee sure is my social inferior", it's just something of which one is unavoidably aware. Or am I just a dick?

However, in an environment where the gender balance is so skewed, what is sexual almost unavoidably leads to a sexist atmosphere. To put it another way, the problems of being hit on apply to gay men.

The problem is that all of these are unavoidably anecdotal in nature and thus something that is basically impossible to discuss. Sure, it might have worked out for some and might not have worked out for others.

That may be true for familiar words, but a long, uncommon word is unavoidably going to take more processing. Flashing "unforgettable" is probably fine, but I'd want a split second pause on "periodontia" or "imbroglie".

It's unavoidably complicated. And now we're moving towards multi-core CPUs, which bring to the fore another area which is unavoidably complicated.

Contract negotiation is unavoidably important in any business environment, but don't let it get in the way of cooperation.

Throwing away data without unavoidably good reason is BAD behavior. Period.

It may not be the point, but it's unavoidably the effect. For the same reason that you can't state that someone is lying without denigrating their character, you cannot point out that someone is representing an utterly amoral position without implying that they are a generally untrustworthy human being.

* Network hiring unavoidably personalizes the hiring process: candidates come in the door with sponsors. It's hard to hire objectively, staying as close to apple-apples as possible, when your candidates are friends of employees who have significant bonuses riding on the selection.

Consider: Is a male homosexual who hangs out with the other guys on his team going to be unavoidably attracted to every single one? If he hangs out with the girls on his team are they going to be unavoidably attracted to him? Does any homosexual individual, thus, unavoidably cause unrequited feelings of lust, no matter whom he hangs out with? Will a bisexual individual be unavoidably attracted to every person he meets?

But an external X window manager is in a different address space must try to manage many shared resources at a distance, an intrinsicly difficult task, imposing limitations on the whole system and unavoidably restricting the user interface possibilities. The management of arbitrarily shaped windows becomes very complicated under an I39L window manager.

My ground heat pump, for instance, has a backup electric heat system that it will automatically, and unavoidably, utilize if it hasn't reached the target temperature within a set, relatively short period of time. So in my very well insulated home I do indeed see significant cost increases if I do temperature setbacks, as the recovery period sees more expensive/less efficient electric heat kick in, versus just incrementally using the heat pump through the day.

Unavoidably definitions


by necessity; "the situation slid inescapably toward disaster "

See also: inescapably ineluctably inevitably